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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 6
First page : ( 764) Last page : ( 800)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

The Logic of Hellenic Mythology

Gong Jin-zhong

Hebei Institute of Geophysical Exploration, Langfang-065000, China

Online published on 27 September, 2019.


Cassirer believed, myth is a priori human subconscious structure, it is the tortuous expression of life pattern and the specific carrier of human nature. Derrida think, metaphysics logos voice centrism is a mark of the history of Western civilization. Historical materials show, in ancient Greece and Rome, homophonic interchangeable is a very common phenomenon of language.

This paper starting from the language voice centrism, using the proper name of the mythical characters and story place homophonic substitution method, research on the life philosophy connotation hidden Greek mythology behind. Author set up that, every mythology tale is the result of logical deduction that inside mythical figures according to concept connotation and denotation that they themselves represent. Maternal gods to produce new offspring of gods, representative further divided of certain property or concept. After careful analysis of the text, the author thinks, Hellenic mythology pedigrees-poetic universe life philosophy, Prometheus-the fable of relationship between men and Gods, Half-god Heros story-crystallization of Human consciousness(IO-the influence of emotion on behavior, Phaethon-hubris swagger person ‘s tragic end, Europa-the origin and symbolism of European spirit, Cadmus and Five Warriors-structural model of traditional society, Pentheus-the no respect for the gods person is bound to suffer disaster, Daedalus and Icarus-principles of mankind created psychology, Perseus-brainwashing function of the media, Ion-harbinger of the story of Jesus, Argo hero: your excessive glory inevitably lead to other's jealousy, Meleager-the uproar passion will finally subside, Heracles: youth unrest and crisis), Tantalus-the deceit's sin and eternal punishment, Theseus-the incarnation of Athens constitution, Oedipus-Those who violate human relations ethics will be punished, Trojan War-Mankind and Gods interaction to complete the perfect, Odysseus-a model of human life. Moreover, with altitude of Gods birthplace or place of residence, mark its humble or noble godhead, Ancient Greek and Chinese, Indian mythology, follow the same principle.



Greek mythology, metaphysics, Logos voice center theory, Method of homophonic replacement, Geographical distribution of gods.



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