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Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing
Year : 2023, Volume : 37, Issue : 3spl
First page : ( 256) Last page : ( 257)
Print ISSN : 0971-8664. Online ISSN : 2456-8716.

Factors influencing the sustainability of FPOs

Shanthasheela M, Chowdary Ch. Madhuri

(Agrl. Extension), Taml Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641003

Online published on 18 December, 2023.


Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) are need of the hour to empower the agrarian community in various dimensions. Farmers are organized into FPOs for tackling marketing problems, productivity issues, collective farming and challenges arising from small farm sizes. To know the reality a study was carried out to assess the factors influencing the sustainability of FPOs. The present study was conducted in the Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh in the selected FPOs of Rhythu Bandhu Farmer Producer Macs Ltd (RBFPL) and the Prudulapuri Farmer Producer Macs Ltd (PFPML). Proportionate random sampling was employed to select samples from the population. Totally 150 samples were selected and primary data was collected through pretested interview schedules. The interview schedule consists of five factors and in each factor five statements were constructed. The respondents were asked to rank the statements under each factor. The findings of the study revealed that among the five factors commitment factor stands first in contributing the sustainability, followed by participation factors, management factors ranked third, governance factor and social equity factors ranked fourth and fifth respectively. This might be due to the members trust, cooperation, and mutual coordination in reaching group objectives. Equal responsibility, knowledge sharing among group members, as well as group members involvement in all the activities contributed for the sustainability. Another cause behind the sustainability of FPO was management practices adopted by FPOs like decision-making, problem-solving, and business concepts.


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