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ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 5
First page : ( 594) Last page : ( 602)
Online ISSN : 2249-7137.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7137.2022.00514.6

Homogeneous elements in culture as a reliable tool for strengthening relations between the peoples of China and Uzbekistan

Shodiyevna Ibodullayeva Ozodagul1

1Chinese Teacher, International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage “Silk Road”, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Email id: ozodagul.ibadulloeva@mail.ru

Online Published on 14 July, 2022.


The article deals with the process of formation of homogeneous elements in the cultures of the peoples of China and Uzbekistan. On the example of folk traditions, it is analyzed how similar values affect the strengthening of mutual trust between the peoples of these countries. Contrary to popular belief that Beijing's spread of its culture in the countries of Central Asia is mainly due to economic interests and ignoring the interests of these countries, cultural interaction shows that there is a complementary relationship between China's interests in Uzbekistan (security, economic, political and strategic interests) and national interests of this country. Beijing's core national interests are related to the interests of development, which is the main factor determining the all-encompassing national strength of the state. Development means economic prosperity, which is the main goal of China's policy to ensure political and social stability in Central Asia. China's cultural spread strategy consists of soft power and development strategy, and diplomacy serves China's development. Uzbekistan is a partner of China's national strategy for the implementation of the One Belt, One Road strategy. It is known that various obstacles may arise in strengthening cooperation between states. Cultural, territorial proximity, similarities in the traditions and values of the peoples of the countries are very helpful in overcoming such barriers. Proponents of soft power theory argue that spiritual and cultural similarities further strengthen ties between nations. Based on these views, the article discusses ways and means of further strengthening friendly relations between the peoples of China and Uzbekistan.



Culture, Folk Wisdom, Spiritual Values, Custom, Cultural Enrichment, Tradition, Soft Power.



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