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Guidelines for Manuscript Submission

Following are the general guidelines for the authors to submit their manuscript:

  • Manuscripts for publication in JDOR journal shall be from the areas of Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, Conservative Dentistry, Dental Biomaterials, Endodontics and Traumatology, Implant Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, Pedodontics and Periodontology & Periodontal Medicine

  • The research reported in the submitted manuscript should be the original work of authors and should not have been published apriori or currently should not be under review for any publication elsewhere

  • JDOR journal encourages the adoption of the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) which is available at http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines

  • Only online submission of manuscripts is accepted

  • Authors are required to upload their manuscripts only in Microsoft word document (RTF files)

  • The font size and structure of the manuscript to be submitted should conform to the template and instructions provided by the Editorial Board. For additional information and downloading template, please visit website: www.jdorjournal.com

  • Upon successful online submission of the manuscript, the authors will receive a unique Manuscript Identification number which should be quoted in all future correspondences with the Editor- in- Chief

  • Unique Manuscript Identification number can be used to track the review status of the submitted manuscript

  • Length of a submitted manuscript should not exceed a total of FOUR pages including all figures, tables, references and appendices when composed with a font size of 9 point in Times New Roman

  • Manuscripts exceeding the page limit may not be accepted for the review process

  • If tables or figures have been reproduced from another source, a letter from the copyright holder (usually the Publisher), stating the authorization to reproduce the material must be attached along with the manuscript

  • The submitted manuscript will be subjected to plagiarism check adhering to the requirements of originality

  • The copyright transfer form should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief only after the final acceptance of the manuscript

  • Images associated with the final version of the manuscript are to be provided separately in ‘jpeg’ file format

  • Editorial Board of the JDOR encourages the general practice of authors acknowledging the financial support of sponsoring agency (if any)

  • The decision of acceptance or rejection of the submitted manuscript for publication in JDOR solely rests with the Editorial Board and its decision is deemed final

Ethical Consideration in JDOR

Authors must state that the protocol for the research project has been approved by a suitably constituted Ethics Committee of the institution within which the work was undertaken and that it conforms to the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki. The Journal retains the right to reject any manuscript on the basis of unethical conduct of either human or animal studies. All investigations on human subjects must include a statement that the subject gave informed consent.

Patient anonymity should be preserved. Photographs need to be cropped sufficiently to prevent human subjects being recognized or an eye bar should be used. JDOR encourages authors submitting manuscripts reporting from a clinical trial to register the trials registries and bear a clinical trial registration number and name of the trial. Authors are required to disclose all sources of institutional, private and corporate financial support for their study. Suppliers of materials (for free or at a discount from current rates) should be named in the source of funding and their location (town, state/county, country) included. Other suppliers will be identified in the text. If no funding has been available other than that of the author's institution, this should be specified upon submission. Authors are also required to disclose any potential conflict of interest. These include financial interests (for example patent, ownership, stock ownership, consultancies, speaker's fee) or provision of study materials by their manufacturer for free or at a discount from current rates. Author's conflict of interest (or information specifying the absence of conflicts of interest) and the sources of funding for the research will be published under a separate heading entitled “Conflict of Interest and Sources of Funding Statement”. Any experiments involving animals must be demonstrated to be ethically acceptable and where relevant conform to national guidelines for animal usage in research.

Review Process

All submitted manuscripts for publication in JDOR will undergo double-blind peer review process. Two reviewers selected by the Editorial Board shall review the submitted manuscript. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the Editorial Board shall make decision on full acceptance, conditional acceptance subject to amendments or rejection of the submitted manuscript. All efforts will be made to complete the first cycle of the review in about Six weeks from the date of submission of the manuscript.

Publication in JDOR

The decision on the final acceptance of the manuscript is normally arrived within Four weeks from the date of re-submission. All efforts will be made to facilitate the print and online publication of the accepted manuscript in the subsequent issue of JDOR.

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