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Dogra PD 1985. Conifers of India and their wild gene resources in relation to tree breeding. Indian Forester 111(11): 935-955.

Panse VG and Sukhatme PV 1967. Statistical methods for agricultural workers. 2nd edn, ICAR, New Delhi, India, 381p.

Kaushik S and Saksena DN 1999. Physico-chemical limnology of certain fresh water bodies of central India. In: Freah water ecosystem of India (Vijay Kumar ed). Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp 1-58.

Suguna A 2012. Scientific study on Vrkshayurvedic farming in barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentaceae L). MSc (Agric) thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, TN, India.

Gupta R and Sharma NK 1998. Nematicidal properties of garlic against root knot nematode. Proceedings, Nematology World Congress, 13-15 June 1998, Colombo, Sri Lanka, pp 15-18.

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