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Author Guidelines


The Journal of Innovation In It is published Annually. There are no page charges for submission or publication.

Submission of manuscripts

Authors should mail the Articles or Research paper on InnovationinIt@mitsomcollege.com

Authors should submit a minimum of two files (author information file and article file). For articles and technical notes, they should contain the following elements:

  1. Author Information File:

    • the title of the article

    • the author(s)' names and affiliations

    • full contact details (including email, postal address and phone and fax numbers) for the corresponding author

    • short biographies for each author (50 words maximum each) which will appear at the end of the paper

  2. Article/Research Paper :

    • the title of the article/Research Paper

    • a summary or abstract of not more than 200 words. This should be self-contained and understandable by the general reader outside the context of the full paper.

    • 3-6 keywords

    • the article/Research Paper in full, including references

  3. Figures and Tables
    Figures and tables may be uploaded either embedded in the main article file or as separate files.

The authors' names and addresses must not appear in the body of the manuscript, to preserve anonymity. Manuscripts containing author details of any kind will be returned for correction.

Authors are invited to make suggestions of possible reviewers. This can be done in our system when you submit your manuscript. If you have a suggestion for a possible Senior Editor, please simply include that person's name as a possible reviewer.

Criteria for acceptance

In accepting work for publication, the Editors and reviewers give special weight to readability and interest value for a wide readership. All papers are reviewed by at least three expert referees as well as an Editor. The Editors' decision is final.


The Editors place great emphasis on a clear written style expressing a well-structured presentation of ideas.

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