Arya Bhatta Journal of Mathematics and Informatics
Year 2024, Volume-16, Issue-2 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 0975-7139
Online ISSN : 2394-9309 Table of contents RSS Feed Foreword Dr. Singh T.P. Certain concepts from algebra and graph theory in cryptology Auparajita Krishnaa DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00016.5 Computational methods for comparing the variations of bounds in post-menopausal women and pre-menopausal women Dr. Akanksha A. Desai DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00017.1 Propagation of Sh-type of waves in a layered half space Dr. Pinki DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00018.8 On the expression M and N are positive integers Megha Rani, Hari Kishan DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00019.4 Integral solutions of the trinity cubic equation 6(x2 + y2) - 8xy + 3(2x + 2y + 3) = 500z3 G Janaki, A Gowri Shankari DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00020.5 Aryabhata-I (476-550 CE) : The great indian mathematician and astronomer of early India Govind Singh DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00021.1 A glance on non-homogeneous pair of third degree diophantine equations with five variables x - y* z = kw3, x* y = T3 Dr. N. Thiruniraiselvi, Dr. M.A. Gopalan DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00031.X An observation on vertex sum cube labeling for comb and K1m @ K1n graphs P. Shalini DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00022.8 Examination timetable scheduling for post-graduate programme using graph coloring approach Anjali Gangrade, Bhawna Agrawal, Sanjit Kumar DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00023.4 Innovative approaches to algebra : Theory and applications across mathematical disciplines Anu Kathuria DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00024.0 Pingala combinatorics and sanskrit prosody Vasukriti DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00025.7 Observations on the ternary homogeneous quadratic diophantine equation x2 = 22k+1 (3z2 - y2) Dr. N. Thiruniraiselvi, Dr. M.A. Gopalan DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00026.3 Controlling chaos by using modified-mann iterative procedure Monika Bai, Ashish, Pooja Bhatia DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00027.X Study of hardness and bond ionicity with holding energy sum transition nano metal compound Abhishek Gautam, Dharmveer Singh DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00028.6 Utilization of gomory's cutting plane method to maximize profit for software company Bhavana Shrivastava, Bhawna Agrawal, Sanjit Kumar DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00029.2 The korteweg-de vries equation: Gross error in physics Temur Z. Kalanov DOI:10.5958/2394-9309.2024.00030.3 Top |