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ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 4
First page : ( 538) Last page : ( 544)
Online ISSN : 2249-7137.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7137.2022.00328.7

The emergence of artistic thinking in the composition of modern Uzbek novels

Babayeva Sevara1

1Direction Base Doctoral Student, Faculty of Philology of GulistanState University Uzbek Literature, Uzbekistan

Online Published on 23 May, 2022.


In this article, the composition elements in the novel “Ozod” belonging to the pen of Isajon Sultan, one of the leading creators of modern Uzbek prose, their emergence, in this regard, such issues as the writer's specific skills, style and artistic language are covered in detail. It is also mentioned about the importance and role of compositional elements in the full disclosure of the theme of the composition and the theme of the work, the material of life, that is, the transformation of the disposition into an artistic work (composition). As compositional forms of epic speech, one can think of Riva, description, dialogue and their individual manifestations, and samples of the novel “Ozod” by the writer Isajon Sultan are drawn to each of these forms and taken under analysis. In addition, as the author analyzes the psyche of the main characters of the novel and secondary images, the author draws a special attention to the peculiarities of speech and personage speech and their significance in revealing the psychology of the novel. It can also be said that the information and analysis presented in the article serves as a complete guide for each reader about the emergence of a new tradition and style in the modern Uzbek novel.



Composition, Composition Element, Composition, Disposition, Fabula, Riva, Description, Dialogue, Epic Storytelling, Inner Speech, Monologue, Personage Speech, Author's Speech, Psychological Image.


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