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ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 6
First page : ( 166) Last page : ( 175)
Online ISSN : 2249-7137.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7137.2022.00652.8

Numerical modeling to change the ground water level the water area

Daliyev Sh K.1, Bozorov B.2, Xotamov O.3

1Lecturer, Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Email: daliyev.sherzod@mail.ru

2Lecturer, Kattakurgan branch of Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan

3Lecturer, Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Online Published on 01 August, 2022.


An urgent problem related to the process of changing the level of ground and pressure water is solved in the article; the problem is described by a system of partial differential equations and various corresponding initial, internal and boundary conditions. To derive a mathematical model of the process under consideration, a detailed review of scientific papers devoted to various aspects and mathematical support of the object of study is given. To conduct a comprehensive study of the process of filtering and changing the salt regime in groundwater, a mathematical model and an effective numerical algorithm are proposed taking into account external sources and evaporation. Since the process is described by a nonlinear system of partial differential equations, it is difficult to obtain an analytical solution. To solve it, a numerical algorithm based on a finite-difference scheme is developed, and an iterative scheme is used for nonlinear terms, which checks the convergence of iterative method.



Mathematical Model, Numerical Algorithm, Groundwater, Ground And Pressure Water, Soil.


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