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ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 6
First page : ( 185) Last page : ( 191)
Online ISSN : 2249-7137.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7137.2022.00634.6

Usage patterns of koha suite in library science

Devi Pooja1

1Research Scholar, India, Email id: poojash208@gmail.com

Online Published on 01 August, 2022.


Libraries confront bigger difficulties than ever before as we go from the information age to the knowledge society. The concept of a library has evolved from a collection of books to a singlewindow knowledge repository. Koha, an open source library management software, is the subject of this article, which provides an overview of the program's features and description. The cost of library management software may be reduced by using open source software. Koha, an open source library management software, has a number of valuable features that may be used to build digital libraries and institutional repositories. An efficient computerised library is one that provides rapid access to resources. Mechanization of library operations primarily via computerization is what is meant by the term “library automation”. Open source software Koha may be used to automate the circulation department of a library and give numerous search options for the library's collection, as well as to create a list of books that are overdue and a bill for those books. Koha is an all-in-one software solution that can handle libraries of various sizes. This programme is open source, so any library that wants to automate its housekeeping tasks may use it.



Library Digitization, Library Management Tools, Koha Suite.


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