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ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 6
First page : ( 283) Last page : ( 296)
Online ISSN : 2249-7137.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7137.2022.00680.2

Emerging problems in integrated broiler farmings and its impact on growth - A study

Dr. Manoharan M.1, Balamurugan V.2

1Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of Commerce, CPA College, Bodinayackanur, Theni District, Tamil Nadu, India, Email id: mailto:baluvelu@gmail.com.

2Assistant Professor, Research Department of Commerce, Theni College of Arts and Science, Veerapandi, Theni District, Tamil Nadu, India

Online Published on 01 August, 2022.


Broiler farming is highly lucrative to the integrators and the individual entrepreneurs in integrated system; the industry is not devoid of inherent problems. These problems pose challenges to the broiler farmers in various ways. The analysis of the overall index of the constraints in the integrated broiler farmin in Theni District clusters shows that the majority of the small, medium and large size categories of farmers constituting 62.2, 68.3 and 79.5 per cent respectively fall in the index range of 50 - 75 per cent. Large size farms faced majority of constraints while the others are quite moderate in this regard. The overall perception on the suggestions to solve the problems faced by the broiler farmers are institutional credit, disease control, chick quality, feed management, government subsidies, enactment of law and reasonable growing charge.



Broiler Farming, Problems, Integration, Index, Multiple Regression.



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