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Annals of Horticulture
Year : 2008, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 23) Last page : ( 26)
Print ISSN : 0974-8784. Online ISSN : 0976-4623.

Variability Evaluation in Bael (Aegle marmelos Correa) Accessions

Kumar Vijai, Pal Vinod, Sapra Pooja1, Umrao Vandana2

Department of Horticulture, Ch. Shivnath Singh Shandilya (P.G.) College, Machhra, Meerut-250 106, Uttar Pradesh, India

1Department of Chemistry, Ch. Shivnath Singh Shandilya (P.G.) College, Machhra, Meerut-250 106, Uttar Pradesh, India

2Deptt.of Ag. Botany, Ch. Shivnath Singh Shandilya (P.G.) College, Machhra, Meerut-250 106, Uttar Pradesh, India E-mail: umraovk@gmail.com


The present investigation was carried out in the Department of Horticulture, Ch. S. S. Shandilya (P.G.) College, Machhra, Meerut to exploit genetic variability in bael fruits grown in western Uttar Pradesh. Observations at the spot of growing seedling trees showed great genetic variations regarding their morphological characters like tree height, age of tree, age of first bearing, growth habit and number of fruits. Height of the tree ranged from 10m (BT2) to 19.33m (BT10). Age of seedling tree ranged from 12.66 year (BT2) to 20 year (BT5), while age of tree at first bearing was statistically at par in all the accessions which varied from 9 to 11 year. Number of fruits/tree ranged from 66.33 (BT7) to 118 (BT10). Genotype BT1, BT5, BT11 and BT12 were evergreen, while BT4 and BT12 were fully deciduous during hot summers. Data on physico-chemical attributes also exhibited significant diversity among all accessions studied. Bael accession collected from Bugrasi village had the maximum weight and volume, and polar and transverse diameters of fruit and minimum peel thickness. Number of seeds/fruit were lowest in BT10, while fibre and seed content per cent were found minimum in BT2. Moisture and TSS per cent were maximum in BT6 and BT9, respectively. The fruits of BT3 and BT5 showed the lowest acidity and pH, respectively.



Bael, genetic diversity, physico-chemical properties.


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