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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 12, Issue : 2
First page : ( 6) Last page : ( 10)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2278-4853.2023.00025.3

Competence in linguodidacticsand content description of competence categories

Kizi Chorieva Fatima Talib

Researcher, University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi State University, Karshi City, Republic of Uzbekistan, Email id: fotimachorieva@gmail.com

Online published on 28 March, 2023.


The article deals with the study ofproblems of competence in linguodidactics and content description of competence categories in teaching foreign languages. Self-awareness based on a person's unique individuality, ability to take responsibility for the development of society is gaining special importance.

The Actuality

Of the theme is that the training of teachers of foreign languages has a valuable and purposeful orientation. The application of the competent approach in our research made it possible to imagine the result of competence in education, to see its new aspects.

The Object

of the article is thecompetence in linguodidactics and content description of competence categories. At the present time, the competence approach lies at the core of the substantive renewal of foreign language higher education.

The Aim

of the article is providing general information about the approach which creates a basis for eliminating traditional cognitive orientations in higher education, radically updating educational content and teaching methods and technologies.


Such methods as descriptive method, method of componential analyses were used toprove the in formativeness of the topic relied on the studies of well-known methodologists in the field of teaching foreign languages.

Results (Findings)

The analysis of the opinions presented in the article shows that the study of methodological basis of teaching foreign languages determines the prospect of a detailed study of the teaching system, cognitive orientations in higher education. The study of the definitions given to the concept of "competence" in the works of foreign specialists, more emphasis is placed on the independence and responsibility of the individual. The results obtained will help to consistently study important issues of general and private linguistics and find their solutions.


Summing up the results, it can be concluded that the Competence provides a reliable basis for a person to achieve his goals of personal importance: it does not matter what the goal is and the social structure of the environment in which the person operates. In this way, a new view of the description of educational results aimed at solving real problems - the need to introduce competencies begins to emerge.



Concept, Competence, Analysis, Literature, History, Development, Approach, Methodology.


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