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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 12, Issue : 2
First page : ( 18) Last page : ( 24)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2278-4853.2023.00026.5

Semasiological and semantic characteristics of proper nouns

Vaydillayevna Olimova Khurshida

English Teacher, Karshi State University, Karshi City, Republic of Uzbekistan, Email id: khurshida_olimova@gmail.com

Online published on 28 March, 2023.


The article deals with the study of Proper Nouns, whichserve to express such meanings as action, state, process, quality of things andsign.It is known that the wealth of the dictionary is in its composition. The dictionary consists of different groups; it forms a complex of units that are very different from each other. In this complex, Proper Nouns also have a special place and position.

The Actuality

Of the theme is that the Proper Nouns form a less studied group than other types of dictionary units.

The Object

Of the article is the semasiological and semantic characteristics of Proper Nouns. Many questions arising from the fact that linguistics did not fully develop the principles of analyzing individual spheres of study of Proper Nouns still need a specific answer. In particular, the current problems of linguistics include semasiological indicators of Proper Nouns, their grammatical categories, and description of meaning and definition of tasks when creating a text.

The Aim

Of the article is providing general information about the Proper Nouns, these masiological peculiarities of their verbalization, the definition of the place of Proper Nounsin the dictionary ofthe language.


Such methods as descriptive method, method of componential analyses were used to prove the in formativeness of the topic relied on the studies of well-known scientists in the field of grammar of linguistics.

Results (Findings)

The analysis of the examples presented in the article shows that a large-scale study of groups of nouns with Proper Nouns determines the prospect of a detailed study of the vocabulary system, the semantics of vocabulary units, and their communicative-pragmatic capabilities. The study of linguistic units from the point of view of an anthropocentric approach based on the dialectic of "possibility and reality" plays a theoretical role in clarifying certain abstract states in linguistic structures. The results obtained will help to consistently study important issues of general and private linguistics and find their solutions.


Summing up the results, it can be concluded that in the language system, it is required that all vocabulary units have semantic, syntactic and morphological characters. Therefore, as long as the role, essence of words in the system is determined, it will be necessary to pay attention to their same three signs. In addition, in the classification regarding the categorization of words, these signs are summarized.



Proper Noun, Semasiological And Semantic Characteristics, Vocabulary System, Dictionary, Grammatical Meaning.


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