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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
Year : 2018, Volume : 7, Issue : 9
First page : ( 249) Last page : ( 266)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.

Political participation and representation of women in Indian politics: A study

Dr. Singh Rajinder

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University College, Moonak, District Sangrur, Punjab, India. Email id: parassinghpatran@gmail.com

Online published on 10 October, 2018.


Women equality with men is almost necessary in all aspect of life. Equal voting right in election represents country's initiative to establish equality among men and women in democracy. But the current scenario of policies has witnesses that a woman does not get equal opportunities like men to participate in political affairs. Numbers of constrain affect women participation in politics and decision making. Women constitute half of the world population, but they are the largest excluded category in almost all respects. Women are neglected at family, community and societal levels and living as an oppressed class. Historically they have been exposed to extreme form of physical, sexual and psychological violence and enjoy least socio-economic status. They have been victims of gender based violence and their miseries got intensified further due to patriarchal nature of society. Women attempted diversified strategies to liberate themselves from shackles of exploitation and feminism was a major response to challenge patriarchy at global platform as well as within national boundaries. An important area where women have been inadequately represented is in the political sphere. Articles 325 and 326 of the constitution of India guarantee political equality, equal right to participation in political activities and right to vote respectively. Lack of space for participation in political bodies has not only resulted in their presence in numbers in these decision making bodies but also in the neglect of issues and experiences in policy making.



Political Participation, Representation, Position of Women, Indian Politics, Women equality, Reservation, Women empowerment.


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