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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
Year : 2019, Volume : 8, Issue : 2
First page : ( 386) Last page : ( 391)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2278-4853.2019.00068.5

Assessment of cultural consequences of globalization on kashmiri society

Naikoo Shakir Ahmad

Doctoral Research Candidate, Department of Modern Indian Language, Kashmiri section Institute-Amu, India Email id: shakir.kmr@gmail.com

Online published on 4 March, 2019.


Kashmir witnessed the implementation of new economic reforms in the late 1990s for improving the economic structure. Globalization as a concept of the 1990s became a key attractor of books, journals, magazines, periodicals, mass media, and other sources just as post-modernism was in 1980s. The discourse of globalization remained dominant until now while post-modernism did not last long. It is a broader concept which has brought varied aspects under its purview like economic, political, social and cultural. Therefore, it is appropriate to say it is a multidimensional concept. However, the concern of the current paper is to highlight the cultural aspect of globalization; that is whether it leads to cultural homogeneity or heterogeneity a debate popularized by Roland Robertson. A debate which showed how the culture was commercialized and cultural exchange transgress. The debate of cultural threats that globalization imposes has been examined in the light of Kashmiri society which is now a day's facing crisis over their own belongings. The cultural threat has received full support from the present day government and existing educational institutions. The most recent case is of the Pheran ban that is really a sign of threat to identity and culture of the Kashmir. Pheran is worn by everyone, irrespective of their gender, and is usually tweed or wool, which is a winter dress coat. The men wore simple while women's pheran is usually covered through beautiful embroiders with different designs. The attire that Kashmiri's consider an integral part of their culture, dates back to the 15th century, but recently, its essentiality as a part of a culture seems threats in the wave of global culture. People especially eminent personalities started raising their voices to protect Pheran which is an integral part of Kashmiri society. In this regard, the paper is designed to study the impact of globalization on Kashmiri society and how much resistance Kashmiri's have shown to preserve this wonderful identity. To cover these objectives both primary and secondary sources have been scanned. For primary sources, interviews have been conducted regarding the perception of Kashmiri's towards their pheran and gist of preserving it. In terms of secondary sources books, journals, magazines, periodicals, and archival reports have been reviewed in order to analyze the impact of globalization on the Kashmiri culture.



Globalization; Culture, Kashmiri culture; Pheran, identity.


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