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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
Year : 2019, Volume : 8, Issue : 9
First page : ( 34) Last page : ( 37)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2278-4853.2019.00273.8

Modern market of insurance services of uzbekistan

Turaevich Umirov Abdusalom

Tashkent financial institute, Uzbekistan

Online published on 16 October, 2019.


The article considers the modern market of insurance services, analyzes the functioning participants of the domestic insurance market and offers and recommendations for their further development. In developed countries, insurance is a complex system that penetrates into all layers of the social and economic life of society, which guarantees the success of entrepreneurial activity, economic stability and material welfare. On the other hand, the insurance market is a complex multi-factor system, where the insurance company, which controls the movement of funds, determines the economic relations between the insurance market entities, is the primary link. For further effective development of the domestic insurance market, it is necessary to speed up the development and adoption of legislative acts regulating the activities of insurance companies. Legislatively establish the conduct of socially significant and socially necessary types of compulsory insurance, such as insurance of general civil liability, insurance of environmental risks. The necessary condition for increasing the level of access to the market for insurance services should be an increase in information transparency. Both insurers and insurers need information transparency. Like other financial institutions, insurance organizations must publish financial statements. In conclusion, it should be noted that our society urgently needs to protect its property and financial interests as at home, as well as in the implementation of various types of activities and the implementation of socio-economic programs. All this can provide insurance while ensuring its state support. So, for the period under review, the volume of payments on the market increased by 50% and reached 296.3 billion soums. As with insurance premiums, the main reason for the growth of payments is the high growth rate for voluntary types of insurance.



Insurance, Voluntary Insurance, Compulsory Insurance, Life Insurance, Mutual Insurance.


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