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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
Year : 2019, Volume : 8, Issue : 9
First page : ( 112) Last page : ( 115)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2278-4853.2019.00281.7

Bioetics-A component of culture: development tendencies and basic features

Karimovna Mamajonova Gulnoza

Researcher, National University of Uzbekistan Teacher of Namangan Engineering and Construction Institute, Namangan city, Uzbekistan

Online published on 16 October, 2019.


This article discusses the role of bioethics in the cultural system. The development of modern bioethics as a science and the stages of its formation have been analyzed. The role of "pluralism" in the development and development of bioethics is important. Recognizing and acknowledging different forms of worldview in contemporary cultural systems are seen as key features of democracy. Since 1976, the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy has been published. The 1978 four-volume Encyclopedia of Bioethics was published. As a result of these activities, international and national Bioethics Committees began to form. These efforts have given priority to the development of Bioethics. Bioethics is a part of biomedical medicine but at the same time has a general and universal nature. The universality of scientific knowledge means that these knowledge are not linked only by the peculiarities of any nation, ethnic group or region, but have something in common with all. Today, bioethics has a strong influence on the scientific, spiritual and cultural environment. The extent to which bioethics is formed remains one of the main features of cultural development. There are scientific, social and axiological foundations in the development of bioethics. These foundations have played an important role in the emergence and development of Bioethics. Over the past centuries, the ethical issues in medicine have been the relationship between physicians and patients. Should a physician inform the patient and his or her family about the condition of the patient, his or her behavior, or may the patient conceal the diagnosis? And other similar issues have been the focus of medical ethics.



Bioethics, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Ethics, Healthy Lifestyle, Human Rights.


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