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Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research (AJMR)
Year : 2019, Volume : 8, Issue : 9
First page : ( 120) Last page : ( 124)
Online ISSN : 2278-4853.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2278-4853.2019.00283.0

Relationship of the degree of hair pigmentation with their quality and length in karakul sheep of coloring sura

Mamatov B.S.

Researcher, Research Institute Karakul breeding and Desert Ecology, Uzbekistan

Online published on 16 October, 2019.


The article presents the results of studies on the relationship of the degree of pigmentation of hair with their quality and length in Karakul sheep coloring suras. In particular, a high level of silkiness and shine of the hair was revealed in the offspring, depending on the degree of pigmentation of their parents, and it was also found that, in the offspring of parents with a degree of pigmentation of the hair with a ratio of 1/3, the output of lambs with the optimal hair length is observed. Many features (more than 30), taken into account when conducting breeding and breeding work in karakul breeding complicate the speedy achievement of selection progress in the phenotypic assessment of animals. An increase in the light part of the hair ensures its elongation, and an increase in the dark part leads to a shortening of the hair. From this point of view, the assumption that the degree of pigmentation of the hair with a ratio of 1/3 leads to a certain extent to shortening the hair is considered logical and this should be paid attention to in the selection process. Based on the foregoing, it is important to develop effective ways to develop the industry, strengthen and improve the heredity of sheep, improve product quality by conducting a breeding process according to the correlations of the most important characteristics based on not thirty, as mentioned above, but on 5–6 main characteristics. In studies when assessing lambs, indicators of color, coloring, pattern and density of curls were determined by the organoleptic method, the length of hair and curls was measured using a millimeter ruler.



Coloration Of Suras, Coloring, Gene Pool, Diversity, Breeding Process, Pigmentation Degree, Silkiness, Shine, Hair Length, Relationship, Variability, Repeatability, Inheritance, Heritability.


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