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Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 1
First page : ( 5) Last page : ( 9)
Print ISSN : 2231-1149.

A Study to assess the knowledge on Nephrotic Syndrome among mothers of children admitted with Nephrotic Syndrome in Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore.

Ms. Saraswathi K.N.*, Ms. Kavya R., Mrs. Lissa J., Ms. Anitha S.L.

JSS College of Nursing, Mysore, Karnataka

*Corresponding Author Email: saraswathimysores803@gmail.com

Online published on 5 February, 2014.


Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific disorder in which the kidneys are damaged, causing them to leak large amounts of protein (proteinuria at least 3.5 grams per day per 1.73m2 body surface area) from the blood into the urine. Childhood nephrotic syndrome can occur at any age but is most common between the ages of 1½ and 5 years. It seems to affect boys more often than girls.1 “A study to assess the knowledge on nephrotic syndrome among mothers of children admitted with nephrotic syndrome in Indira Gandhi institute of child health Bangalore.” Descriptive survey approach was used and the study was carried out in Indira Gandhi institute of child health, Bangalore and 60 mothers of nephrotic syndrome children were selected by non probability convenient sampling technique. Data collected was analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Major findings and Results

  • Frequency and percentage distribution of mothers, with regard to age of mother 27(45%) were between 21–30 years, 30(50%) were between 31–40 years and 3(5%) were between age group 41–50 years. In relation to age of the child 20(33.2) were between age group of 0–4 years, 25(41.6) were between 5–8 years and 15(25) were belonging to 912 years of age. Majority of child were male 38(63.6) and remaining 22(36.4) were female child suffering from nephrotic syndrome. In context to educational status of the mother 37(61.7%) were illiterate, 3(5%) had primary education, 15(25%) had higher secondary education, 2(3.3%) had PUC, 3(5%) had their graduation. Majority of mothers were housewife 38(63.3%), 2(3.3%) were self employed, 16(26.6%) were private employee and 4(6.8) were government employee. With reference to religion 52(86.7%) were belonging to Hindu, 2(3.3%) belongs to Muslim and 6(10%) belongs to Christian. Majority 27(45%) had monthly income of Rs. >1000, 10(16.8%) had income of Rs 1001–2000, 3(5%) had income of Rs. 2001–3000 and 20(33.2%) had income of Rs. 3001 and above. Majority of mothers were from rural area 22(36.4%) and 22(36.4%) were from urban area. With regard to previous source of information 1(1.6%) from mass media, 10(16.8%) from friends, 4(6.6%) from health personnel and 45(75%) from others.

  • 42(70%) mothers had inadequate knowledge, 11(18.3%) had moderate knowledge and 7(11.7%) had adequate knowledge regarding nephrotic syndrome.

  • Aspect wise mean knowledge scores regarding nephrotic syndrome was 12.9 with standard deviation of ±3.2 and mean percentage was 38.3

  • With regard to association between knowledge scores and demographic variables of mothers. Educational status of mother, occupation and religion was found to be significant and other variables such as age of mother and child, sex of child, monthly income, residence and source of information was found to be non significant at p<0.05.


The findings of the study reveal that there is inadequate knowledge and few mothers had a moderate and adequate knowledge on nephrotic syndrome.



Knowledge, mother, nephrotic syndrome, children.


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