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Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research
Year : 2015, Volume : 5, Issue : 1
First page : ( 146) Last page : ( 150)
Print ISSN : 2231-1149. Online ISSN : 2349-2996.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2349-2996.2015.00031.2

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge regarding Identification and Management of High-risk Pregnancy among the ANM Student in selected nursing school, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.

Mrs. Devi Sinmayee Kumari1,*, Dr. Kumar Sikandar2

1Asst. Professor, Dept. of OBG, Lord Jagannath Mission College of Nursing, Rasulgarh-10, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

2Vice Principal, Lord Jagannath Mission College of Nursing, Rasulgarh-10, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

*Corresponding Author Email: sinmayee.devi@gmail.com


A quasi experimental study with pre and post test with without control group design was under taken in HI-TECH school of nursing, BBSR to assess the effectiveness of SIM regarding high risk pregnancy on knowledge among the ANM students. 42 ANM students were selected by simple random sampling technique and Data was collected by using closed ended questionnaire from Dt-27.02.2014 to Dt-13.03.2014 and collected data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that highest percentage 50% of the ANM students were in the age group of 18–20 years. All were female and unmarried Majorities 98% of them are Hindus and 2% are Christians. The overall pre test mean score was (9.42±6.8) which is 31% of the total score reveals poor knowledge where as it was (16.85±9.7) which is 56% in posttest revealing 25% of enhancement knowledge score. Area wise highest post test mean score (4.9±5.2) which is 49% was obtained for the area of “risk factor” where as the lowest post test mean score (1.4±1.6) which is 46.6% was obtained for the area of “complication”. Highly significant (p<0.01) difference was found between pre and post test knowledge scores and no significant (p>0.05) association was found between post test knowledge scores in relation to demographic variables of ANM students.



High risk pregnancy, Auxiliary nurses and midwifery student, self instructional module.



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