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Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 171) Last page : ( 175)
Online ISSN : 2249–7307.

Unifying cause and profit: A sustainable proposition

Ms. Dahiya Rekha, Assistant Professor, Dr. Dahiya Vikas, Assistant Professor, Mr. Usmani Asjad, Assistant Professor

Marketing, Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka, Sector 11, New Delhi-110075

Online published on 13 February, 2012.


It has become extremely difficult for the marketers to differentiate their products and services from the others in the market place. Many people argue that Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is an outdated concept now. People now-a-days look for something extra in addition to the distinctive features in a product. If this extra can do something good for the society, this would be like icing on the cake. This platform whereby you unify a cause with the profit, can act as a strong differentiator. Cause related marketing is the medium through which you can do the same. It is more than buzz words today. While the issue of obligation and commitment to society beyond business has risen to prominence among management circles as well as the wider public, it is still a nascent subject among stakeholders. Cause-related marketing can positively differentiate a company from its competitors

Though a few big Indian companies practice CRM (Cause related marketing), the extent to which it is done is unsatisfactory. There has been growing awareness among the academic institutions as well towards cause related marketing and corporate social responsibility as a subject to sensitize the future managers of this nation to the societal needs besides generating profits for their organizations with increased efficiency. India is a favorable country for the success of cause - related marketing. In this article we will try to know the concept of cause related marketing that would serve as sustainable positioning for the firm, benefits of going for cause-related marketing and prominent examples of cause-related marketing.



Cause, Profit, Cause related marketing.


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