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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year 2011, Volume-1, Issue-2 (October)
Online ISSN : 2249–7315

Table of contents

Small scale industrial credit and economic inequality: a study of the major Indian states before and after reform
Ramesh Chandra Das

A study on customer satisfaction of selected nationalized banks in Coimbatore city
Dr. M. Dhanabhakyam, S. Kavitha

Role of leadership style and employees personal characteristics on employee empowerment
Krishna Murari

Socio - economic implications of voluntary retirement scheme a study of select undertakings in Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Gopalasudarshanam

Feminism and women empowerment: an Indian perspective
Piu Sarkar

Entrepreneurship challenges and opportunities in India
Dr. S. Hariharaputhiran

Education for sustainable development: issues and challenges in India
Ashraf Imam

Marketing of higher education with reference to business management schools in Mumbai region
Balaji S. Mudholkar

Financial performance of selected it companies
Dr. M. Dhanabhakyam, P. Uma

Collision of human resource management (HRM) practices on employees performance – a case study of selected star hotels in Karnataka
V. Mahesha, Dr. S. B. Akash

Private sector in healthcare in India: characteristics and utilization patterns
Ashraf Imam

Health and safety at workplace
Ms. Monika Marwaha, Dr. Parul Khanna

Preferences of engineering students’ concerning where they prefer to start their careers
Dr. K. Francis Sudhakar, Mr. M. Kameshwara Rao

India-Asean trade relations a survey of literature
Mrs. Sarika Choudhary

Cleanroom software engineering – a description
Gurvinder Kaur, Bhawna Jain

Spousal roles in family purchase decision making process: a review for the partial fulfillment of the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.)
Dr. Bharat Bhushan Singla, Sanjeev Kumar Modi

Regulatory and policy environment governing textile trade: pessimistic to optimistic scenario
Dr. K. K. Sharma


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