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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 3
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 9)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2022.00117.4

Determinants of e-payment system perception and satisfaction: Journey from India to Canada

Jain Arushi*

*Research Scholar, University of Delhi, Delhi City, India, Email id: jainarushi74@gmail.com

Online Published on 28 April, 2022.


Canada is the country, most embracing cashless technology hardly surprising since there are over 2 credit cards for every person living there as claimed by a recent study of forex bonuses 2017. In 2016 this position was attained by Sweden, where barely 1% of the value of all payments was paid in coins or notes. Is India still on the verge of being known as “yet to become a cashless economy”? If yes, then how much time does India expect to become a cashless economy. It is commonly believed that good security gains public trust, and the perceptions of good security and trust ultimately increase the use of electronic payment system. In this paper, we examine the relationship between the security measures offered by the e-payment channel and the ultimate perception of the consumers of the security, trust and usefulness of the e-payment system this study proposes an empirical model that delineates the factors of consumers’ perceived security and perceived trust, with the effects of perceived security and perceived trust on the use of e-payment systems. Primary data has been collected through questionnaires and hypothesis testing is done. Our results show that transaction procedure significantly impacts the perception of the customers which can be employed by the service providers to make e payment sources more efficient and increase its usage.



E Payment, Perception, Security, Trust.


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