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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 4
First page : ( 361) Last page : ( 371)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2022.00198.8

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the family as a social value (based on Russian and Uzbek proverbs)

Nosirova M.O.1

1Senior Lecturer, Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Uzbekistan, Email id: 19mubina94@mail.ru

Online Published on 24 May, 2022.


The article attempts to study concepts - assessments that affect social values in the Russian and Uzbek proverbial language picture of the world, reflecting the process of assessing the situation/behavior/state in terms of value and socio-cultural stereotypes that have received the status of knowledge and are included in the language picture of the world. The analysis of proverbs made it possible to identify the following main types of social values: family, children, team and marriage. Modern science is characterized by a desire for inter subjectivity, the presence of interdisciplinary connections comes to the fore, offering researchers-philologists the opportunity not to be limited to considering only the language system. Deepening and expanding ties with various areas of humanitarian knowledge opens up new prospects for expanding the field of study of traditional objects, opening up new facets ofpreviously considered phenomena. Description of the question of the relationship between language and culture, the foundations of which were laid in the works of W. von Humboldt, L. Weisgerber and A.A. Potebnya, once again proves the interdependence of these concepts.



Axiology, Value, Concept, Social Values, Family, Marriage, Children, Kinship, Proverbial Picture Of The World, Stereotype, Language, Culture, Proverbs And Sayings.


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