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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 10
First page : ( 462) Last page : ( 472)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01027.3

Biometric Signcryption using Hyperelliptic Curve and Cryptographically Secure Random Number

Premalatha J*, Vani Rajasekar**, Sathya K***

*Professor, Department of Information Technology, Kongu Engineering College, India

**PG Scholar, Department of Information Technology, Kongu Engineering College, India

***PG Scholar, Department of Information Technology, Kongu Engineering College, India

Online published on 14 October, 2016.


The biometric system stores physiological traits of user such as finger print, iris, palm, patterns of veins etc. Iris signcryption is the most successful way to improve the information security because iris consists of most accurate features compared to other authentication systems. In order to provide better security and less computational time lightweight cryptographic scheme called signcryption has introduced. Signcryption is a logical combination of encryption and signature. Cryptographically secure random numbers are used as private key in encryption segment and as key in generating signature of SHA-1 segment. Generally the random numbers passing the NIST Test suite fails to satisfy cryptographically secure requirements. An approach called twining technique along with AES in counter mode is used to generate cryptographically random numbers from the seed values of sensors. Twining technique is a novel method to minimize co linearity that occurs while extracting seed from multiple sensors housed in same environment. One of the most recent researches in the area of public key cryptography is Hyper Elliptic Curve Cryptography (HECC) because HECC uses smaller key size and less computational time. In the proposed biometric signcryption, biometric data, HECC and cryptographically secure random numbers are used to derive the signcrypted value of iris.



Biometric signcryption, Hyperelliptic curve cryptography, Twining technique.


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