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Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 10
First page : ( 1887) Last page : ( 1895)
Online ISSN : 2249-7315.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01137.0

Studentpreneur; Student to Entrepreneur by Value based Education on Entrepreneurship

Ajay V. K.*, Dr. Vijay L.**

*Research Scholar, Anna University, Chennai, India

**Professor, Department of Management Science, S. A. Engineering College, Chennai, India

Online published on 14 October, 2016.


In today's modern economy, countries across the world believe that they have to grow and get recognized and for doing this, the only way go about is how much self sustain they are. Self sustain only comes if the countries has entrepreneurs who believe they can run their own business with support of countries government. For the business to run successfully it truly depends on the person and his characteristics along with capability he possess. The characteristics and capability is defined as entrepreneurial competencies. The Entrepreneurial concepts suggest that capability has to be related with characteristics along with the person. The research tries to find out some answers towards basic questions such as; whether there is any relationship between the entrepreneurial competencies along with education curriculum and what are the capability should an entrepreneur needed to have become successful. Researcher selected a group of successful entrepreneur, who were then explained about the objectives and need of the study in the face of current and changing economy. A formal structured questionnaire comprising of entrepreneurial competencies with set perimeter was put in front of the entrepreneur and they were asked to debate and rank. The result of questionnaire was converted to develop consensuses model. Respondent Entrepreneur made sure, that the competencies has which came out of the consensuses had some relation with value based education and it could be taught and developed for making successful entrepreneur. Many researcher and their studies have defined entrepreneur and entrepreneurial competencies according to circumstances and stating them as a person who has an idea, skill, innovative thought, willpower, knowledge, confidence, good decision making etc. Ahmadabad based Entrepreneurship

Development Institute of India believes important factors for competencies are positive thought. The research study helps the entrepreneur to develop characters, skills, opportunity to start business in the way to help nation, economy etc. Entrepreneur should have the skill to sustain in the competitive market and have the ideas to making profit. A good entrepreneur should have the ability to perform better for his venture and making profit.



Entrepreneur, Knowledge, Studentpreneur, Skill.


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