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Baba Farid University Dental Journal
Year : 2012, Volume : 3, Issue : 1
First page : ( 96) Last page : ( 99)
Print ISSN : 0976-8181. Online ISSN : 2230-7273.

Rehabilitation of Severe Generalised Abrasion Lesions Caused by Prolonged Use of a Tobacco Containing Dentrifice-A Case Report

Saha Mainak Kanti, Professor & HOD, Saha Suparna Ganguly, Professor & HOD, Banthia Priyank, Professor & HOD, Thukral Rakesh, Professor

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Maihak Kahti Saha, 15-A, Mahadev Totla Nagar. Indore. Madhya Pradesh. India. 452016. Email: mainaksaha@indiatimes.com

Online published on 1 May, 2012.


The problem of toothbrushing with an abrasive dentifrice is quite common in India. Several products are available which do not comply with the accepted norms and are used by a large section of the population with deleterious results on the oral tissues. The following case report describes the restoration and management of a case of severe generalized abrasion caused by the prolonged use of a tobaccocontaining dentifrice.



Cervical abrasion, Tooth brushing, Dentifrice.



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