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Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability
Year : 2022, Volume : 10, Issue : 2
First page : ( 192) Last page : ( 197)
Print ISSN : 2320-6411. Online ISSN : 2320-642X.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2320-642X.2022.00020.5

Impact of zinc sulphate on yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under front line demonstrations in zinc deficient area of hills of Garhwal Region

Shikha1,*, Yewale A.G.1, Kumar Ajay2, Joshi Udit1

1Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ranichauri, VCSG Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Tehri Garhwal-249199, Uttarakhand, India

2Department of Agronomy, College of Forestry, Ranichauri, VCSG Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Tehri Garhwal-249199, Uttarakhand, India

*Corresponding author email id: shikha9104@gmail.com


Front Line Demonstrations were conducted to evaluate the effect of zinc sulphate on the yield of rice varieties VL-85 and Pusa Basmati-1509 (PB-1509) under zinc-deficient areas of hills of Uttarakhand in around 1 hectare (ha) area at each village of Nala and Dadoor among 20 farmers by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Tehri Garhwal during the year 2017–18. A total of 40 demonstrations were conducted in 2 ha. The results revealed that with the application of zinc sulphate @ 25 kg ha−1 on VL-85, the grain yield obtained was 29.50 q ha−1 while the grain yield under the traditional method (farmer's practice) was 22.00 q ha−1 resulting in a 34.09% increase in yield. However, the yield of Pusa Basmati-1509 was considerably higher in the demonstrated practice (DP), i.e., 32.8 q ha−1 than in the farmer's practice (FP), i.e., 23.5 q ha−1 resulting in a 39.57% increment in yield. Hence, it was evident that the yield obtained was more with the use of zinc sulphate in highyielding varieties (HYVs) than with the farmer's practice. Similarly, the Benefit-Cost (B:C) ratio of VL-85 and PB1509 with the use of zinc sulphate in DP was 2.03 and 2.18, respectively whereas in FP, B:C ratio was 1.58 and 1.45, respectively. Hence, it was observed that the demonstration of zinc sulphate in local variety and HYVs of rice in zinc-deficient areas was found better in terms of increasing the production of rice crops under nutrientdeficient areas and the farmers of that region accepted the demonstrated technology. Hence, it can be concluded that the cultivation of Pusa Basmati-1509 with the application of zinc sulphate @ 25 kg ha−1 can be recommended for zinc-deficient hilly areas of Uttarakhand.



Front line demonstrations, Hill agriculture, Traditional method, Basmati rice, Zinc sulphate.


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