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Gyankosh- The Journal of Library and Information Management
Year : 2023, Volume : 14, Issue : 1and2
First page : ( 88) Last page : ( 98)
Print ISSN : 2229-4023. Online ISSN : 2249-3182.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-3182.2023.00008.4

Popular themes and motifs in malayalam children's books: A review

Sureshkrishnan R

Library Assistant, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram, India

Online published on 22 March, 2024.


This abstract aims to explore the prevalent themes and motifs in Malayalam children's literature, providing an overview of the captivating narratives that have captivated young readers. Malayalam, a language predominantly spoken in the southern Indian state of Kerala, boasts a rich tradition of children's literature, reflecting the region's cultural and societal values. This paper analyzes various themes and motifs that authors have used to create engaging and impactful stories for young readers. The study employs a qualitative analysis of selected Malayalam children's books published over the past few decades. The research delves into the motivations and intentions of authors, examining the reasons behind the choices of themes and motifs that resonate with young minds. Several key themes emerge from the analysis, illustrating the diversity and depth of the literature targeted towards children. One prominent theme observed is the celebration of local culture and traditions. Malayalam children's books often showcase festivals, folk tales, and customs, fostering a sense of pride and identity among young readers. Additionally, books that promote environmental consciousness and sustainability are common, reflecting the increasing awareness of ecological issues in contemporary society. Another prevalent theme centers around family and relationships. Malayalam children's literature frequently explores the bonds between siblings, parents, and grandparents, emphasizing the importance of love, respect, and unity within the family unit. Adventure and fantasy-based stories are prevalent, capturing the imagination of young readers with tales of magical creatures, mythical worlds, and heroic quests. These narratives offer an escape into imaginative realms and instil a sense of wonder and creativity. The themes focusing on education and self-development are significant in Malayalam children's books. Authors often use their stories to inspire children to pursue knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and overcome challenges. In addition to themes, certain motifs commonly recur in this genre. Animal characters, anthropomorphic beings, and nature-based symbolism are prevalent, imparting moral lessons and values in an engaging and relatable manner. This research reveals that Malayalam children's literature is a treasure trove of themes and motifs that cater to the diverse interests and developmental needs of young readers. The unique blend of cultural heritage, social values, and creative imagination makes these books not only entertaining but also instrumental in shaping the minds and characters of the future generation. As a result, understanding the themes and motifs within this literature is crucial for educators, parents, and writers alike to continue fostering a love for reading and learning among children.



Malayalam, Children's Books, Popular Themes, Motifs.


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