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Indian Journal of Entomology
Year 2024, Volume-86, Issue-2 (June)
Print ISSN: 0367-8288
Online ISSN: 0974-8172

Table of Contents

Research Articles

Diversity of Coleoptera on Cucumber in the Tonkpi Region of Man, Côte d’Ivoire
Dohouonan Diabate, Ehikpa Naomie Melinand N’guessan, Tenon Coulibaly and Yao Tano

Study of the Toxic Effect of Chemical Pesticide Actellic 50EC against Culiseta longiareolata Mosquito Larvae
Rabah Chaouch, Ali Bouaziz, Habiba Gacem and Boudjema Saoudi

Bioecology of Reduviid Rhynocoris rapax-Predator of Podagrica decolorata
Yao N’guessan, Tano Dje Kevin Christian, Obodji Adagba, Ossey Christian Landry and Soro Senan

First Records of Anthomyiidae (Diptera) from Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia
Nonna M Grigoryan, Mark Y Kalashyan, Vahram T Hayrapetyan and Karine V Balayan

Effects of Feeding by Whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) on Brinjal and its Management using Citrus aurantium Extracts
Mustapha Abubakar, Bhupendra Koul, Ankush Raut and Sanusi Muhammad

New Distributional Record of Idricerus decreptius (Myrmeleontidae, Neuroptera) from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan
Waqas Ahmad

Effect of Weed Growth on the Incidence of Sucking Pests in Cucumber
Ahmed M Wahsh, Samir S Awadalla, Hala A K El-Serfi and Magdy A El-Hariry

Influence of Potassium Fertilization on the Incidence of Sucking Insect Pests on Cucumber
Ahmed M Wahsh, Samir S Awadalla, Hala A K El-Serfi and Magdy A El-Hariry

Effect of Sowing Dates in Cucumber on Incidence of Thrips tabaci (Lindeman)
Ahmed M Wahsh, Samir S Awadalla, Hala A K El-Serfi and Magdy A El-Hariry

Proteomic Analysis of Cowpea Aphid Aphis craccivora Koch Salivary Gland using LC-MS/MS Analysis
S Pavithran, M Murugan, M Jayakanthan, V Balasubramani, S Harish and N Senthil

New Reports of Subfamily Oxytelinae from South India (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
V P Vineetha, P J Vineesh, P M Kavyamol and George Jerin

Insecticidal Potential of Spice Extracts of Syzygium aromaticum, Trigonella foenum-graecum and Ferula assa-foetida against Grain Weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L)
Uma Dutta and Sonali Dey

Impact of Pollination on Pomegranate
Kotesh Y Chavhan, K S Jagadish, D Shishira, Eswarappa G and Uthappa A R

Tolerance in Brassica juncea Cultivars vis-a-vis Population Buildup of Mustard Aphid Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.)
K Chandrakumara, Mukesh K Dhillon and Naveen Singh

Identification and Toxicity Evaluation of Beauveria sp. Associated with White Muscardine Disease in Muga Silkworm Antheraea assamensis Helfer
Sanghamitra Saharia, Manabendra Nath, Shibani Kalita, Dimpimoni Kalita and Sunayan Bardoloi

Water Quality Analysis and Biomonitoring Potential of Aquatic Insects in the Selected Streams of Munnar, Kerala
K Sonaimuthu, S Muralikrishnan, M Muthukatturaja, C Balasubramanian, C Balachandran and N Arun Nagendran

First Record of the Genus Conochironomus Freeman (Diptera: Chironomidae) with Integrative Taxonomy of C. tobaterdecimus (Kikuchi & Sasa) from India
Bindarika Mukherjee, Poulami Hui and Niladri Hazra

Population Dynamics of Major Lepidopteran Pests on Cauliflower
Anitha V and Ravi Kalsariya

Attractiveness and Oviposition Preference of Whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Genn) as Influenced by Leaf Trichomes
Khalid A Saad, Abdallatif S M Ali, Mansour Salem, Muna M Agbali and Idris A B

Characterization of Dominant Cuticular Hydrocarbons in Inversion and Inversion-Free Strains of Drosophila ananassae (Doleschall)
Kavitha R S and Jayaramu S C

Isolation of a Novel Mosquitocidal Bacterium Bacillus cereus VCRC-641 from Fresh Water Fish Clarias batrachus
S Manikandan, Jibi Lukose, P Hemaladkshmi, Bhagyashree Bora, V Abhisubesh, Kakhuangailiu Gangmei, Sahadiya Mandodan, K Aneha, A Mathivanan, K Vijayalakshmi and S Poopathi

Seasonal Abundance and Feeding Behaviour of Oxyopes birmanicus Thorell on Tea Mosquito Bug Helopeltis theivora Waterhouse
N Santhana Bharathi and T P Rabeesh

Avian Feeding Guilds in Winter and Rainy Crop Seasons of Guava
Shilpa, Tejdeep Kaur Kler and Gagandeep Kaur

Thrips Fauna of Khangchendzonga National Park, Sikkim with First Description of Hitherto Unknown Male Smilothrips productus Bhatti
Th D Songomsing Chiru, Th Johnson, R Varatharajan and R R Rachana

Population Dynamics of Emerging Spider Mite Pest Tetranychus udaipurensis Gupta & Gupta
Pooja and N Srinivasa

Diversity of Aphid Fauna (Hemiptera: Aphididae) of Kerala
Sharanabasappa M Ganganalli, Haseena Bhaskar, Sunil Joshi and Vidya C V

Impact of Decontamination Processes on the Reduction of Pesticide Residues in Green Chilli
K Bhuvaneswari, P Karhik, C Selvi, P Thangachamy, V Muralitharan, A Suganthi and E Madhu Sudhanan

Description of the Life Stages of Sphenarches anysodactylus (Walker) (Pterophoridae: Lepidoptera)
R Divya, N Chitra, V Balasubramani and R Arulprakash

Partial Solar Eclipse Affects Apis mellifera L Foraging Activity
Amit Choudhary, Bharathi Mohindru, Ramandeep Kaur, Jaspal Singh and Pardeep K Chhuneja

T-Perches Determining Avian Feeding Guilds in Maize
Khushdeep Kaur, Tejdeep Kaur Kler and Surinder Kaur Sandhu

Integrated Community Approach for Successful Management of White Grubs in Groundnut: Success Story
Harish G, Nataraja Maheshala, Ananth Kurella, Kiran Kumar Reddy, Poonam Jasrotia, Praharaj C S and Savaliya S D

Insect Delicacies among the Mishing and the Tiwa Communities and their Implications for Diseases and Food Security
Rimpi Dhar, Bhanita Bora, Sangeeta Choudhury and Arup Kumar Hazarika

Field Evaluation of Protein Bait in Attracting the Melon Fruit Fly Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) in Snake Gourd
K Nithya, Zadda Kavitha, M Shanthi, K Swarnalatha and M L Mini

Research Communications

Effect of Neonocotinoids and Biopesticides on the Foraging Behaviour of Honey Bee Apis mellifera L on Rapeseed
Rabiul Islam, Md Ariful Islam, Krisna Chandra Saha, Hosna Kohinoor and Saleh Adnan

Population Dynamics of Aphid Pests of Wheat and their Natural Enemies
Umm-E-Rumman, Ahmad Nawaz, Muhammad Dildar Gogi, Anam Ejaz, Ahsan Khan, Abid Ali, Muhammad Atiq, Asma Saeed, Asim Munawar and Muhammad Jalal Arif

Morphological and Biochemical Variations in Groundnut Genotypes as Related to Thrips Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood Resistance
Burjikindi Madhuri, Rohini Sugandi, Kolli Bharghavi, Basavaraj S Yenagi and Subhash B Kandakoor

Profenophos Resistance in Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee
K Siddhartha, K N Ragumoorthi, S V Krishnamoorthy, T Saraswathi, V Balasubramani and B Vinothkumar

Identification and Characterization of Mosquitocidal Toxins from Bacillus cereus VCRC-641
S Manikandan, K Aneha, Bhagyashree Bora, V Abhisubesh, P Hemaladkshmi, Kakhuangailiu Gangmei, Sahadiya Mandodan, Jibi Lukose, A Mathivanan, K Vijayalakshmi and S Poopathi

Evaluation of IPM against Pest Complex of Okra
Rupali Patil, S A Pawar, C S Patil and YS Saindane

Biology of Campoletis chlorideae Uchida (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) on Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith)
V V Kamble and A D Jadhav

Damage and Oviposition of Tea Mosquito Bug Helopeltis antonii Signoret on Guava, Neem and Moringa
K Aravinthraju, K Suresh and S Manisegaran

Evaluation of IPM Modules against Pomegranate Fruit Borer Deudorix epijarbas (Moore)
Nikita Chauhan and Divender Gupta

Evaluation of Plant Powder/Oil against Pulse Beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis L.) on Green Gram
Sangita Limma, Shiv Prakash Narayan Singh and Mukesh Kumar Singh

Elucidating the Host Preference by the Pulse Beetle Callosobruchus chinensis (L)
Pankaj Sharma, Parth Pandya and Pragna Parikh

Influence of Colour and Height of Sticky Traps in Attraction of Thrips on Gladiolus
Sheikh Salma Irshad, Munazah Yaqoob, Sajad H Mir, Fehim Jeelani Wani, Liyaqat Ayoub, Masrat Siraj and Zuhaib Farooq

First Record of Barnyard Millet as a Host for Fall Army Worm Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith)
Roopika M, Moorthy A V, Srinivasan G and Shanthi M

Efficacy of some Insecticides against Thrips and Yellow Mites in Chilli
Poornima G, Harischandra Naik R, Pramesh D, Ratnamma P, Saraswati M, Udaykumar Nidoni R, Bheemanna M and Prabhuraj A

Abundance and Diversity of Spiders in Agroecosystems of Jabalpur
Jagrati Upadhyay and S B Das

Practice of Beekeeping in Kamrup District, Assam
Sabina Langthasa and Sapna Singh

Screening of Elite Bread Wheat Germplasm against Shoot Fly Atherigona approximata Malloch
Suresh R Jambagi and D N Kambrekar

New Records of the Genus Tachys Casey (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae) from India
Shigina K and Sabu K Thomas

Effect of Botanicals against Callosobruchus chinensis in Stored Chickpea
Moodsuguna, P K Rathod, Jasti Sri Vishnu Murthy, D B Undirwade and N S Satpute

Population Dynamics of Aphid Complex Infesting Rabi Sorghum
S K Meena and V K Bhamare

Efficacy of Natural Products against Lesser Grain Borer Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in Stored Paddy
Ramalakshmi V, C R Satapathy, Shimantini Borkataki, Soumik Ray and Dinkar Gaikwad

Occurrence of Pentatomid Bug Degonetus serratus (Distant) on Teak
S M Chavan

A Simple Mass Rearing Method for Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee
M L Aneesha and G K Mahapatro

Resistance to Earhead Caterpillars in Finger Millet
N M Chikkarugi, L Vijaykumar, H R Raveendra, B Shivanna, Shivaray Navi and M S Kitturmath

Granulate Ambrosia Beetle Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini) Bores into the Fuel Pipe of Petrol Vehicles
K M Sreekumar, K D Prathapan and S S Anooj

Studies on Efficacy of Botanical Oils and Leaf Powders against Lesser Grain Borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in Stored Wheat
Syed Mohamed Ibrahim S, Prithiv Raj V and Prabakaran V

The Striped Flea Beetle Phyllotreta striolata (Illiger) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) Invades South India
N V Raghunandan, S S Anooj and K D Prathapan

Seasonal Incidence of Crambidae Pests on Summer Rice in Subtropical Madhya Pradesh
Manish Gadekar, Raju Kumar Panse, Subrata Goswami, Bhumika Tiwari and Subhashree Patnaik

Floral Handling by Apis cerana indica F. in Sunflower
Deepayan Padhy, Chitta Ranjan Satapathy and Shimantini Borkataki

A Novel Damage Intensity Index for Tea Mosquito Bug Helopeltis spp. Infestation in Cocoa
Shivaji Hausrao Thube, R T P Pandian, C T Jose, Bhavishya A, Santhoshkumar Paichal, Omprakash Navik, Akash Nikoshe and G K Mahapatro

Population Dynamics of Pod Borer Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) on Chickpea
Shivani Choudhary, H L Deshwal and J K Bana

Isolation of Mosquitocidal Bacteria from Soil Samples to Control Mosquito Vectors
Kakhuangailiu Gangmei, Hemaladkshmi Padmanaban, Aneha Kunnikuruvan, Jibi Lukose, Bhagyashree Bora, Manikandan Sivaprakasam, Abhisubesh Vijayakumar, Sahadiya Mandodan, Mathivanan Ashokkumar, Vijayalakshmi Krishnamoorthy and Poopathi Subbiah

Impact of IPM Modules on Natural Enemies in Okra
C Meenambigai and K Bhuvaneswari


Revelations from Comparative Mitochondrial Genome Analysis in Four Orders of Class Insecta
Manprit Kaur, Arvind Sharma, Neelam Sehrawat, Surendra Gakhar and Ashwani Kumar

Biology, Ecology and IPM of Fall Army Worm Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith): A Review
Arfa Safder, Abdul Aziz Bukero, Moazam Hyder, Samreen Rana, Aneesa Sohail, Mahreen Hanif, Syed Anika Shamshar, Attia Imam and Muhammad Ramzan

Corpse Management Strategies in Social Insects
Anusree Asokan, Barikkad Ramesha, Seena S M, Anooj S S and Sreekumar K M


Ronald Ross- Mosquito, Malaria and much more
Trichur S Suryanarayanan


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