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International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR)
Year 2011, Volume-1, Issue-1 (November)
Print ISSN : 2394-6962
Online ISSN : 2250-0758

Table of contents

Artificial Intelligence for Mobile Learning Interactive System
Rakesh Ranjan, Anurag Srivastava, Sachin Upadhyay

Trends and Techniques for World Wide Web Substance Adaptive Caching Mechanism
Kamlesh Kumar

Linguistic Knowledge: An Intelligent Information Retrieval System
Amarjeet Singh, Manoj Kumar

Scope and Analysis of Distributed Real Time Replicated Database Models & their Performance
Sanjay Kumar Tiwari, A.K. Sharma, Vishnu Swaroop

Re-Ranking Strategies for Ranking High Precision Information Web Search
Gary Finkelstein, Rob Van Hille

Analysis on Software Cyclomatic Complexity

Role of Indian Broadcasting Federation in Preventing Inappropriate Contents in TV Programmes
Dr. Shravan Kumar

RHIZOBIUM: A Natural Biofertilizer
Shefali Poonia

Genotoxic Effect of Synthetic Pyrethroids on Fresh Water Fish Channa Punctatus
Dr. Rupali Rana

Histopathological Changes of the Rumen of Sheep Infected with: Paramphistomum Spp
Dr. Binesh Kumari

Knowledge and Adoption of Recommended Cultivation Practices of Deshi Cotton variety AKA-8
P.S. Khade, S.M. Rajput, S.P. Lambe

Effectiveness of Training Programmes Organized at Selected Training Institute
S. P. Lambe, S. Y. Kulkarni, S.D. More

Internet Addiction: A Review
Taranpreet Kaur

Band Gap Measurement of GaAs Sintered Film from Reflection Spectra

I-V Characteristic of Gaas Sintered Film

Conflict and Compromise in Bhabani Bhattacharya's Shadow from Ladakh
Neetu Chaudhary


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