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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year : 2019, Volume : 13, Issue : 1
First page : ( 97) Last page : ( 100)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122. Online ISSN : 0973-9130.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00020.3

Estimation of Femur Length from Fragments-A Study on Adult Femora

Jose Betty Anna1, Noone Padmini Hannah2,*

1Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Vims And Rc

2Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Vims And Rc

*Corresponding author. Padmini Hannah Noone, Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Vims And Rc Mobile no: 9535192756. E-mail: padmini.noone@gmail.com

Online published on 8 February, 2019.



Stature estimation from skeletal remains of long bones is important in identifying unknown bodies. This study was conducted in long bones of human skeleton to identify the total length of long bones from its fragments. This is helpful in order to estimate stature from the length of lone bone and also in orthopedic procedures to find the length of the implant that may be required. The regression formulae has been derived for the local population.


To find the proportion of each fragment to the length of femur and to derive at a regression formula to estimate the length of femur from its fragments. Secondly to compare the regression formula obtained with that of other studies.

Material and Method

50 fully ossified, dry, adult femora were randomly selected from the departments of anatomy and forensic medicine. Five landmarks on the surface of femur was identified. The total length of femur and length of 4 segments namely, from most proximal point on the head to midpoint of lesser trochanter (segment 1), from the midpoint lesser trochanter to most proximal extension of the popliteal surface at point where the medial and lateral supracondylar lines become parallel below the linea aspera (segment 2), from the most proximal extension of the popliteal surface at point where the medial and lateral supracondylar lines become parallel below the linea aspera to most proximal point on the intercondylar fossa (segment 3), from most proximal point on the intercondylar fossa to most distal point on medial condyle (segment 4) were measured using the osteometric board and scale. From this regression formulae were derived for each bone fragment using anova, correlation and regression analysis.


The proportion of all four segments to the total length was calculated and the regression formulae for the estimation of femur length was as follows. Total length of femur             = 25 F1+2.58             = 26.58 F2+0.88             = 35.23 F3+0.58             = 20.43F4+6.07


The study helps to calculate the total length of femur from its segmental length by which stature can be estimated. This can be applied in crime investigation to establish identity, when only fragmentary remains of long bones are available and also in orthopedic surgery when it is helpful to make prosthesis.



Femur, fragmentary remains, regression formulae.


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