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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year : 2019, Volume : 13, Issue : 4
First page : ( 553) Last page : ( 557)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122. Online ISSN : 0973-9130.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00348.7

Effect of nanoparticles on liver functions and antioxidant in female rabbits treated with Domperidone

Alhaqmuhamad Asmaa Abd1, Abdulrahman Mostafa Ali2, Ahmad Hanan Shihab3

1Samarra University, Samarra, Iraq

2Asst. Prof. in University of Samarra, Samarra, Iraq

3Lecturer in Northern Technical University. Samarra, Iraq

Online published on 27 November, 2019.


Our study aims to evaluate the effects of the gold Nanoparticles on some activities of liver functions such as (GOT, GPT) and antioxidant (MDA and GSH) in a rabbit that treated with domperidone. Twenty-five waster female adult rabbit is used in this study and divided for five groups (five animals for each group). The first group is the control group without any treatment. The second group administrated domperidone (0.3) mg/Kg/BW for three times a day. The third group administrated domperidone (0.3) mg/Kg/BW for three times a day with gold Nano particle at twice a week. The fourth group administrated gold Nano particle at (0, 05) mg/Kg/BW twice a week only. The fifth group administrated gold Nano particle three times a week only. Results of the study are showed GOT enzyme decrease significantly after the 20th day in all study groups as compared with the control group at (P≤0.05), and it decreased after the 30th day. And it increased after the 40th day in the third, fourth and fifth group, while the second group doesn't show any significant differences at the same time. GPT enzyme showed a significant decrease in all study groups at all times. However, the GPT level decreased in gold Nanoparticle treated groups. MDA showed a significant increase after the 20thday; the third group was showed higher significant as compared with the control group at (P≤0.05), at 30th day, MDA showed significant increases in all study groups except the second group. After40th day, MDA showed they increase significantly in all study groups as compared with the control group. GSH showed a significant decrease after 20th day in all study groups except the fifth group wherever; the fifth group has increased significantly as compared with control group at (P≤0.05), after 30th day.



Nanoparticles, liver, Rabbits, Antioxidant, Domperidone.


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