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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year : 2019, Volume : 13, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1145) Last page : ( 1150)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122. Online ISSN : 0973-9130.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00455.9

Knowledge and Attitudes regarding Antibiotic Use and Resistance among Nursing and Dentistry Students in Babylon University/Iraq

AL-Salih Sadiq Salam H.1, Hindi A. Prof. Dr. Nada KhazalKadhim2,*, Kadhim Zainab Hasan Abdul3, Naji Saja Taha3, Abbas Ahmed Sabar3, Jassem Zainab Saeed3, Ali Zainab Fadil3

1M. Sc. in Adult Nursing Science, College of Nursing, University of Altoosi. Babylon Province, Iraq

2PhD in Microbiology, Department of Basic and Medical Science, College of Nursing, Babylon University, Babylon Province, Iraq

3BSc students in, Collage of Nursing, Babylon University, Iraq

*Corresponding author: A. Prof. Dr. Nada KhazalKadhim Hindi. PhD in Microbiology, Department of Basic and Medical Science, College of Nursing, Babylon University, Babylon Province, Iraq, E-mail: nadakhzal@yahoo.com

Online published on 27 November, 2019.


The drugs that are specifically used to prevent or treat bacterial diseases and kill or destroy pathogenic bacteria, important note antibiotics do not kill viruses such as influenza, you should follow the guidelines in other words complete the entire period even if you feel better. A descriptive cross-sectional study aimed at assess the nursing and dentistry regarding knowledge and attitudes related to antibiotic use and resistance. As well as the relationship between students their knowledge and attitudes in relation to their demographic data. Purposive sample of (150) subject collected by a self-administrative and constructed questionnaire. Through the used descriptive approach statistical to analysis the distribution of study characteristics that includes, frequencies, percentages, mean of scores, and standard divagation; and inferential statistical approach data to analysis that relationship between knowledge and attitudes with demographic data include Chi-squared test. It shown that most of students (80%) with a high knowledge and disagreed attitudes. As well as, demographic data insignificant with students’ knowledge. In addition, the course and years of study had been significant with students attitudes at p-value <0.05.



Knowledge, Attitudes, and Students.


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