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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year : 2019, Volume : 13, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1218) Last page : ( 1224)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122. Online ISSN : 0973-9130.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00468.7

Prevalence of Pathogenic Fungi of Endemic Termites in the Environment of Saladin Governorate in Iraq

Hassan Abdullah A.1, Jasim Muqdad S.1

1Department of Plant Protection, Collage of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq

Online published on 27 November, 2019.


Six fungal isolates were isolated from termite insects affecting citrus and palm trees in Samarra district-Salah Al-Din governorate-Iraq, during October 2017. A. flavus was significantly superior in the percentage of termite mortality than the rest of the fungal isolates for all treatments after 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours in the percentage of termite mortality were 16.67, 78.00, 100.00 and 100.00, followed by M. anisopliae that recorded 10.33, 39.33, 80, 91%, respectively. The results showed that all fungal filtrate superior in the percentage of termite mortality than the control. The highest percentages of termite mortality recorded by A. flavus which were13.67, 73.33, 88.67 and 94.67% for the periods 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours, respectively, while M. anisopliae filtrate was the second highest in percentages of termite mortality reached to 9.67, 41.33, 80.00 and 91.33% for these periods. The results showed that all isolated fungi on the termite insect had the ability to secrete the chitinase, protease and lipase the highest specific activity of chitinase and protease reached to (4.87 and 3.93), (4.27 and 3.81) and (3.81 and 3.08) unit/mg protein by M.anisopliae, A. flavus and T. harzianum, respectively.



Termite (Microcerotermes diversus), Entomopathogenic fungi, biocontrol agents, hydrolytic enzymes.


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