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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year : 2019, Volume : 13, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1384) Last page : ( 1388)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122. Online ISSN : 0973-9130.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00495.X

Prevalence of Vulvovaginitis Caused by Candida Krusei and Candida Glabrata among Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women in Tikrit City

Hamada Thakra Ahmed1, Abdulkaream Raghad Saad2, Al-Hayali Wisal R. Yaseen3

1Ass.prof, Department of Microbiology, at Medical College, Tikrit University

2Lectural at Medical College, Tikrit University

3Assesstant Lectural At Tikrit University, College of Medicine

Online published on 27 November, 2019.



Candida spp. are considered as one of the normal flora of the genital tract in the female and can become pathogenic under some conditions that can weak the immune system or changing in the vaginal environment especially the PH of the vagina so it can cause various from Vulvovaginitis and urinary tract infection.


This was a cross sectional prospective study that aimed to determine the percentage of prevalence of vulvovaginitis that are caused by candida glabrata and candida krusei, and compare between pregnant and non-pregnant women.

Subject and Method

200 of a high vaginal swap samples were collected from women, aged 16–55 years with symptoms of vaginal infection attending Salah-Alden General Hospital from (September 2018-January 2019).


The results shows that candida albicans was the most common vaginal Candida species (57.1%) followed by Candida glabrata (25.3%) and Candida krusei the least percentage forming (17.4%) as a cause of vaginal candidiasis among pregnant and non-pregnant women, and the most effected age group was 36–45 years forming (54.5%) and Candida glabrata was more prevalent among pregnant women than Candida krusei while Candida. krusei was more prevalent among non-pregnant women.



Vulvovaginitis, Candida krusei, Candida glabrata, pregnant and non-pregnant women.


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