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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year : 2019, Volume : 13, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1672) Last page : ( 1676)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122. Online ISSN : 0973-9130.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00547.4

Effectiveness of a Patient Safety Culture Based Leadership Model on Incident Reporting and Learning about Patient Safety

Tutiany1, Nuraeni Ani1, Mumpuni1, Setiawan Ridwan2, Nugroho Heru Santoso Wahito3,*

1Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic of Jakarta I

2Department of Nursing, Health Polytechnic of Bandung

3Health Polytechnic of Surabaya

*Corresponding author: Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho E-mail: heruswn@gmail.com, Address: Pucang Jajar Tengah Street 56 Surabaya

Online published on 27 November, 2019.


Patient safety incidents in hospitals are still common, but reported incidents are relatively small so that there will be an impact on the lack of improvement efforts. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of the leadership model based on patient safety culture on incident reporting and ongoing learning about patient safety, using pretest-posttest with control group design. The study was conducted in hospitals that have implemented patient safety programs in Jakarta and Bandung. The study sample was 145 implementing nurses, selected by simple random sampling technique, 90 for the intervention group and 55 for the control group. Data were analyzed by T-test and Mancova. The results of the study showed that in 3 months, there was an increase in the leadership capacity of the head of the room, the frequency of incident reporting and learning; and there is a decrease in the factor of reporting incidents. The component of the leadership model that increases incident reporting and learning is self-confidence, ideal influence, and intellectual stimulation. Other influential factors are staffing status and gender. The dominant factor is intellectual stimulation.



Leadership model, intellectual stimulation, patient safety culture, incident reporting, continuous learning about patient safety.


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