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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year : 2019, Volume : 13, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1735) Last page : ( 1738)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122. Online ISSN : 0973-9130.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-9130.2019.00560.7

Social Capital Strengthening Strategy as A Sustainable Community Empowerment Development (Review of Socially Healthy Life)

Sutomo1,*, Kanto Sanggar1, Wisadirana Darsono1, Mu'adi Sholih1

1Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya

*Corresponding Author: Sutomo, e-mail: sutomo_putro@yahoo.com, Address: Campus of FISIP-UB, Malang, Indonesia

Online published on 27 November, 2019.


Basically, social health is more than just prevention of social problems and mental illness. Being socially healthy means increased degree of happiness including sense of belonging and concern for others. Many literature evidences show that social capital contributes to the development, especially to poverty alleviation. Nevertheless, the fact of how development actor can strengthen social capital is rarely studied. This article explained social capital strengthening strategy developed by a pesantren, or Islamic boarding school, located in Sumberpucung, Malang Regency, as a part of development program through community empowerment. This research explored and discussed the theme of strategies and ways done by Pesantren Rakyat Sumperpucung in maintaining social capital as an investment form of sustainable community empowerment. This research was carried out by qualitative method to find the theories which was based on the data which had been collected from the fields, or commonly called as grounded theory. The strategy done was an integrative model known as Pancarukun Pesantren Rakyat, namely Jagong Mathon, Celengan, Ngaji Ngluruk, Lumbung Pesantren Rakyat, dan Fatehah-an. Pancarukun Pesantren Rakyat was the implementation and strategy of social-cultural-religious networking strengthening in enhancing harmony and cooperation between Pesantren Rakyat and society (read: santri). The applied strategy was proven to be able to strengthen the spirit of togetherness and cooperation consistently between the two parties. Pancarukun was a creative initiative of the pesantren together with the community to solve problems in various sectors such as economics, agricultural and livestock development, education, congregation, cultural arts, and others.



Social health, Social capital strengthening, Pesantren, Sustainable empowerment.


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