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Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 1
First page : ( 24) Last page : ( 27)
Print ISSN : 2229-3744. Online ISSN : 2250-0499. Published online : 2022 March 21.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2250-0499.2022.00006.4

Proteomic analysis of oocytes retrieved from in vitro cultured ovine small antral follicles and large antral follicles cultured with amphiregulin, neuregulin-1 and tumour necrosis factor-α

Somashetty Ramesh Hondaravalli1*, Sumanta Nandi2, Venkatesh Girish Kumar1

1Veterinary College, KVAFSU, Bangalore Campus, Hebbal, Bangalore, 560024, Karnataka, India

2ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Adugodi, Bangalore, 560030, Karnataka, India

*Email for correspondence: ramamabhi@gmail.com

Online published on 21 February, 2022.

Received:  19  ,  2021; Accepted:  16  ,  2021.


Protein components change markedly during follicular development in the ovary. In this study, a proteomics approach was used to evaluate changes in proteins during different size follicles viz small antral follicles (SAFs) and large antral follicles (LAFs) culture exposed with different growth factors. The optimum and elevated doses of amphiregulin (AREG) or neuregulin (NRG-I) or tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were used for culture of SAFs and LAFs and then oocytes were retrieved for analysis of secretory protein by SDS-PAGE. SAFs were cultured in media containing 150 ng of AREG, NRG1 and TNF-α and LAFs in media containing 50 ng of AREG, NRG1 and TNF-α. The average yield of protein from oocytes retrieved from SAFs when cultured with 150 ng of AREG, NRG-1 and TNF-α was 0.0012, 0.0016 and 0.0010 mg/ml respectively. When cultured with oocytes retrieved from LAFs in 50 ng AREG, 50 ng NRG-I and 50 ng TNF-α, the corresponding values were 0.0026, 0.0021 and 0.0014 mg/ml respectively. The SDS-PAGE profile of the oocytes retrieved from culturing of SAFs and LAFs in different doses of AREG, NRG-I and TNF-α revealed no peptide bands.



Small antral follicles, Large antral follicles, Secretory protein, Oocytes.


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