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Year : 2022, Volume : 12, Issue : 2
First page : ( 136) Last page : ( 143)
Print ISSN : 2229-3744. Online ISSN : 2250-0499. Published online : 2022  07.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2250-0499.2022.00064.7

Combining ability and gene action studies in cytoplasmic male sterility-based hybrids in cauliflower

Kumari Santosh*, Sharma Manisha

Department of Vegetable Science, College of Horticulture and Forestry, YSPUHFNeri, Hamirpur177001Himachal Pradesh, India

*Email for correspondence: santoshstpc@gmail.com

Online Published on 07 May, 2022.

Received:  11  November,  2021; Accepted:  20  December,  2021.


Cauliflower is considered as one of the healthiest foods on earth. It supplies good amount of health promoting photochemicals, high level of anti-inflammatory compounds and has ability to ward-off cancer, heart diseases and even weight gain. A study was conducted in cauliflower comprising five CMS lines and four testers, along with their twenty cross combinations which were evaluated in randomized complete block design in rabi season of 2016-17to know the extent of combining ability and magnitude and nature of gene action for different traits in line x tester mating design. Among parents, line Ogu-HL-3A was found good general combiner for marketable curd weight (73.75) and curd breadth (1.04) and Ogu-119-1A for marketable curd weight (64.58) while among testers, PSBK-1 was good general combiner for marketable curd weight (76.18) and curd breadth (0.75) and Hermia for curd length (0.36), stalk length (0.39) and days to marketable maturity (-1.95). Among crosses, Ogu-HL-3A x 1385 (-6.10) was good specific combiner for days to marketable maturity. For marketable curd weight, Ogu-HL-3A x Hermia (190.05), Ogu-122-1A x PSBK-1 (157.98) and Ogu-HL-1A x Kt-22 (135.63) were found to be best specific combiners. For curd length Ogu-HL-1A x Hermia (1.10), Ogu-122-1A x 1385 (1.01), Ogu-119-2A x Kt-22 (0.97) and Ogu-119-1A x Kt-22 (0.61) were found to be best specific combiners while for curd breadth crosses Ogu-HL-1A x Kt-22 (1.84), Ogu-122-1A x 1385 (1.75) and Ogu-HL-3A x Hermia (1.32) showed significant SCA effects. On the basis of SCA performance, cross combinations Ogu-HL-3A x Hermia, Ogu-119-1A x Kt-22 and Ogu-122-1A x PSBK-1 were found the best for most of the horticultural traits. Estimates of GCA and SCA, additive and dominant components of variances and the ratios of additive to dominant components revealed that preponderance of non-additive gene action was recorded in inheritance of all the characters under study.



Cauliflower, Line, Tester, GCA, SCA, Gene action.


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