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Indian Journal of Horticulture
Year 1947, Volume-5, Issue-1and2 (6–12)
Print ISSN : 0972-8538
Online ISSN : 0974-0112

Table of contents

Glimpses Into the Fruit Culture in Ancient India
Sardar S. R. Verma

Regional Peculiarities in Apple Production
U. Narasinga Rao

Vegetable Production Costs and Profits.
K. Mahabala Shetty

Inheritance Studies of Seed-Coat Colour in Cowpea, V1Gna Sinensis
R. H. Richharia, R. S. Roy

Effect of Smudging on Mango
P. K. Sen, P.C. Mallik

Hunger Signs on Mango
P. K. Sen, P. K. Roy, B. N. De

Factors Governing Stature and Fruiting Habit of the Papaya
S. R. Gandhi


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