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Indian Journal of Mednodent and Allied Sciences
Year : 2014, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 131) Last page : ( 137)
Print ISSN : 2347-6192. Online ISSN : 2347-6206.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2347-6206.2014.00001.6

Non-traumatic Acute Abdomen Evaluation1

Rao M. Sankar*Senior Resident, Reddy K. Janardhan, Assistant Professor, Ramanappa M.V., Professor and Head of the Department, Syed Mohammed Ismail, Assistant Professor

Department of Radio-Diagnosis, Santhiram Medical College & General Hospital, N.H.-18, Nandyal, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author email id: reddykaipa@gmail.com

1Two hundred patients with acute abdomen were evaluated and analyzed in this article. Findings were analyzed by two Radiologists (Dr. Anantharayulu and Dr. Anasuyamma) separately before analysis

Online published on 11 November, 2014.


The term “acute abdomen” defines a clinical syndrome characterized by the sudden onset of severe abdominal pain requiring emergency medical or surgical treatment. A prompt and accurate diagnosis is essential to minimize morbidity and mortality. The differential diagnosis includes an enormous spectrum of disorders ranging from benign self-limiting diseases to conditions that require emergency surgery. The clinical diagnosis of acute abdomen can be challenging because physical examination clinical presentation and laboratory examination are often non specific and non diagnostic. It is often difficult based on history and physical examination alone to separate these patients from those who require immediate surgery. The increased availability and use of computed tomography (CT) and Ultrasonography (US) have dramatically changed the clinical examination and treatment of patients who present with acute abdominal pain. These noninvasive imaging techniques have effectively replaced exploratory as the primarymeans of examiningpatientswho present with what was formerly known asa surgical abdomen.



Acute abdomen, Appendicitis, Renal colic, Pancreatitis, Cholecystitis.


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