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Indian Journal of Mednodent and Allied Sciences
Year : 2014, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 184) Last page : ( 187)
Print ISSN : 2347-6192. Online ISSN : 2347-6206.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2347-6206.2014.00010.7

Nanotech Dentistry – A New Era Has Begun!!!

Pujari Ravi Kumar1,*, Vidya N.2,*

1Reader, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Rajarajeshwari Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore, India

2Post Graduate Student, Department of Periodontics, A.E.C.S. Maaruti Dental College and Hospital, Banglore, Karnataka

*Corresponding author email id: raveepujari@yahoo.com


Online published on 11 November, 2014.


As with all emerging technologies, a successful future for nanotechnology will only be achieved through open sharing of ideas and research findings, through testing and frank discussion. Time, advances, resources, and needs will determine which prospects becomes reality. Application of nanotechnology to all branches of dentistry will soon be a reality. So get ready for smart nanotech dentistry.



Nanotechnology, Nano-dentistry, Nanocomposites Nanomaterials, Moderndentistry, Nanodiagnosis.


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