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International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 9
First page : ( 146) Last page : ( 156)
Online ISSN : 2249-0558.

E-Commerce: The Changing Dynamics of Indian Business Environment

Dr. Sharma Gargi*

* Senior Assistant Professor, International School of Informatics and Management, Jaipur

Online published on 27 February, 2017.


The e-commerce sector has seen unparalleled growth in 2014. The growth was determined by rapid technology adoption led by the increasing use of devices such as smartphones and tablets, and to the internet through broadband, 3G, etc, resulting an increased online consumer base. Besides, factors like demographics and a growing internet user base, the enormous growth attained by homegrown players and the huge investor interest around these companies displayed the immense potential of the market. India's overall retail opportunity is sizable, coupled with a demographic dividend (young population, rising standards of living and upwardly mobile middle class) and growing internet penetration, resilient growth in e-commerce is anticipated. Favorable e-commerce policies, greater attentions from the government, proper investment support are also some significant factors getting instrumental in securing rapid growth of the sector. The paper has attempted to present a perspective about the dynamics of Indian e-commerce business environment with special reference to General, Task and Competitive environment. Companies are needed to devise a strategy to meet challenges posed by fierce competition with special reference to International scenario, ever-changing technological requirements, changing demographic matrix, rising expectations of investors, favorable market opportunities with larger risk, etc.



e-commerce, General Environment, Task Environment.


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