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International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering
Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 3
First page : ( 267) Last page : ( 282)
Online ISSN : 2249-0558.

Examining Cassandra Constraints: Pragmatic Eyes

Shukla Sameer

Master of Computer Applications, Bangalore University, 6201 Breeze Bay Pt, #1634, Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Online published on 24 October, 2019.


Modern world applications are expected to be highly available and responsive plus the data volume is huge, traditional databases have the problem of scalability. Cassandra is one such database which is highly available because of its distributed nature and it is scalable we can add or remove nodes easily from the Cassandra Cluster. But it comes with certain restrictions and each fundamental of Cassandra (reading, writing, partitioning) has the answer to common questions like why Joins, Like Queries, Aggregate Functions are either not allowed or not recommended in Cassandra, to incorporate Cassandra in the application we need to understand them clearly as it affects engineers big time coming from RDBMS world. This write-up focuses on understanding those constraints and using them to design better database models and queries in Cassandra.



Cassandra, Distributed Systems, Reactive Systems.


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