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International Journal in Management & Social Science
Year : 2015, Volume : 3, Issue : 6
First page : ( 195) Last page : ( 202)
Online ISSN : 2321-1784.

Role of Sidbi in Promotion of Dalit Entrepreneurs

Dr. Paramasivan C.1, Rajeshkanna S.2

1Assistant Professor and Research Advisor Department of Commerce, ICSSR Periyar E.V.R College (A), Tiruchirappalli-23

2Ph. D. (FT) Research Scholar & Doctoral Fellow PG & Research Department of Commerce, ICSSR Periyar E.V.R College (A), Tiruchirappalli-23

Online published on 22 June, 2018.


Entrepreneurship is one of the key components of the socio-economic development of the country that makes employment opportunities, utilisation of local resources and mobilisation of money. There is a need for extending financial support to entrepreneurs so that they do not suffer from shortage of funds and, in turn, do not fall prey to sickness and ultimately closure. Dalit entrepreneurs are still slotted into their traditional occupations, which are manually based and really form of low level wage employment. These who do think of moving into self-employed ventures fail to do so out of fear of social pressure and potential loss of sub-caste networks that serve as sources of mutual insurance. Second to circumvent their disadvantages in building networks across social groups, Dalit entrepreneurs tend to strengthen their internal bonds and use these for economic purposes. This paper highlights the role of SIDBI in promotion of dalit entrepreneurs in India.



Dalit Entrepreneurs, Institutional Assistance, SIDBI, SCs Subsidy Schemes.


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