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International Journal in Management & Social Science
Year : 2015, Volume : 3, Issue : 7
First page : ( 187) Last page : ( 192)
Online ISSN : 2321-1784.

Attitude of Senior Secondary School Childrens Towards Their Teachers and Parents

Deepshikha B.

Asst. Professor Rudra Group of Institutions, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India

Online published on 22 June, 2018.


Future of any country depends onits new generation i.e. students. Today's students are tomorrows doctors, engineers, politician, social workers, teachers, scientists, corporate etc. in today's changing scenario of society it is very important to now the opinion of future generation. The purpose of the study was to assess the attitude of senior secondary school childrens towards their teachers and parents. 1000 male and female students from different C.B.S.E. and I.C.S.E. senior secondary school children from Muzaffarnagar and Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh were selected for the purpose of the study. result show that students attitude towards their teachers and parents is above average favourable. But students now changing their attitude towards their personnel life and the result show that 39% students don't think that they should happily marry with person selected by our parents. 48% students think that the teachers are now not GURUS now they are money makers. But they respect them 100 percent students respect their parents in any condition. 70v% students think that their teachers are their Ideal. It was concluded that new generation is very quick and sharp at their motto. They respect their parents and teachers but they want to take their own decisions for their career and life.



Attitude, money-makers, legitimate, corporate, decision, Architecture, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut.


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