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International Journal in Management & Social Science
Year : 2015, Volume : 3, Issue : 7
First page : ( 412) Last page : ( 425)
Online ISSN : 2321-1784.

A Diagnostic Study of Errors Committed by 8th Grade students of Government Schools in Solving Problems of Geometry

Saini Medhavi

Research Scholar Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar (Uttarakhand)

Online published on 22 June, 2018.


Mathematics plays an important role in accelerating the social and economic growth of the nation. It is more so in India, as nation is rapidly moving towards globalization in all aspects. The world of today, which learns more and more heavily on science and technology, demands more and more mathematical knowledge on part of its people. It is, therefore, necessary to prepare the child with a strong base of mathematical knowledge to face the challenge of modern technological society. Besides Arithmetic and Algebra, Geometry is another branch, which dominates the learning of mathematics in higher classes. Whereas Arithmetic and Algebra both are the science of number, Geometry is the science of lines and figures. The world of mathematics is the world of measurement. The process of measurement is incomplete without Geometry. This study is an attempt to find out the errors committed by eighth grade students in solving problems in Geometry. The objective of the study is to identify the difficulties faced in learning of Geometry by eighth grade students, to find out the errors committed by students in translating statements in mathematical form using appropriate diagram, and to suggest remedial programme for eighth grade students for learning of Geometry. In this study sample of 150 students of government schools were selected randomly for collection of the data. The investigator herself made a diagnostic test consisting of 3 subsets of 12, marks each i.e. angles, quadrilateral, and triangle. Study revealed that students command on Geometry was not satisfactory. They committed above 60% errors in every section which indicate that their basic concepts were not clear. Concepts are formed at primary stage and perhaps they did not have adequate opportunity to draw figures, to understand the concepts, to observe things themselves at that stage. It partially suggests that teachers at Primary Stage do not use Analytic Approach properly.



Analytic Approach, Geometry, Mathematics, Solving Problems.


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