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International Journal in Management & Social Science
Year : 2015, Volume : 3, Issue : 7
First page : ( 475) Last page : ( 492)
Online ISSN : 2321-1784.

Sustainable Procurement Practices for Fruits and Vegetable processing Industry in Uttarakhand

Dr. Saxena Ankur1, Dr. Singh Ashutosh2

1Post Doctoral Fellow College of Agribusiness Management, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, 263 145, (U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand)

2Professor College of Agribusiness Management, GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, 263 145, (U.S. Nagar, Uttarakhand)

Online published on 22 June, 2018.


The study was conducted in Uttarakhand state for determining the post harvest techniques and procurement practices used by firms of fruits and vegetables. Post harvest techniques was analysed in terms of grading, packing, storage and transport and sale pattern. Regression analysis was carried out to examine the factors affecting post harvest losses and factor analysis was carried out to examine the factors influencing to farmers switching towards contract farming. In total eighteen processors, thirty traders and ninety two fruits and vegetables growers were selected for the study.

The study reveals that faulty procurement practices and post harvest management resulted in loss of quantity and quality of produce, increase in prices of the produce resulting in squeezed profitability level. Inefficient storage facilities and inadequate transportation facilities are severely affects on fruits and vegetables. The farmers opined that the working of the cooperatives was their major strength. In case of processing units, it was found that, there is an ample opportunity for processors, as the demand of processed fruits and vegetable products in future is expected to increase in the wake of increasing per capita income and education of people.

The study suggests urgent need of training the fruits and vegetables growers on scientific techniques for this contract farming as an option. The agriculture marketing services should be integrated with present extension services. The small scale processing units in concentrated production area would avoid post harvest losses and crash in prices during peak season and thereby ensuring remunerative prices to the fruits and vegetable growers.



Post harvest techniques, procurement practices, fruits and vegetable processing units, contract farming, post harvest losses.


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